I am a PhD student and security researcher at Purdue university. Currently I am honored to be a member of both the PurSec Lab and the HexHive group where I am co-advised by Prof. Mathias Payer at EPFL Prof. Antonio Bianchi at Purdue.
My research interests lie the areas of Computer Security. My primary fields of focus are: system security, binary exploitation, reverse engineering, and programming languages. I am primarilily interested in novel techniques of automatic exploit generation and automated analysis of software to find bugs. However, I am excited to play around with all things related to security.
Outside of research I was the president of b01lers where we compete in Capture the Flag competitions. Prior to joining Purdue I competed with Whitehatters Computer Security Club where I was treasurer and secretary. I mostly play with Shellpish now whenever I get the time to compete over weekends.
As for my free time, I enjoy: